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I am delighted to announce our annual signature 2024 Hong Kong Primary Care
Conference to be held face-to-face on 5 – 7 July 2024 at the Hong Kong Academy of
Medicine Jockey Club Building, Aberdeen, Hong Kong.

This year’s conference theme is “Family Medicine in the Community: Strengthening
. As you may recall our Government launched the Primary Care
Blueprint to formulate the direction of development and strategies for enhancing
Hong Kong’s primary healthcare system to address the increasing chronic disease
burden and improve the overall health and wellbeing of Hong Kong citizens. The
Primary Care Blueprint reinvigorates the health care system by focusing on the
creation of an integrated, high-value health care that positions family doctors
at the front line of primary care. This role comes with family doctors’ capability
to recognize individual risk factors of patients and intervene, coupled with their
growing awareness of the social, environmental and community determinants of
health. These attributes make them most suitable to lead and provide primary
healthcare to individuals and families in the community.

As always, our conference will continue to excite you with its well-curated scientific
program filled with diverse and interesting plenary sessions, seminars, symposiums
and workshops.

I cordially invite you to submit abstracts for the Full Research Paper, Free Paper and
Clinical Case Competitions which are now open for submission.
I look forward to seeing you all again.


​Sincerely yours, 

Dr. Lorna Ng.jpg

Dr. Lorna Ng
Chairlady, Organizing Committee
Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2024

(Supported by HKCFP Foundation Fund)

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